• Architects of Change Perspective

Why CIOs Must Transform to the Service Defined Enterprise (SDE)

The key to a CIO’s success in the near future will be transforming any business from a ‘technology-defined enterprise’, into a ‘service defined enterprise’ (SDE).

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Tags big data, CIO, CIO Leadership, Cloud, IT, analytics, service defined enterprise, managed services, mobility, networking, SDE

Can CIOs Lead the Software Defined Network (SDN) transformation?

Just when CIOs were coming to terms with having their roles transformed and even challenged as potentially redundant, another technology leap forward is happening that provides both a risk and an...

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Tags CIO, CIO Leadership, SDN, service led transformation, Software Defined Network, IT transformation, SDE, SDN skills gap

Transforming The Enterprise For Digital Natives

Big enterprise, government and education are all striving to adapt to the new age of user-centric IT – particularly of mobility – where people work where they want, when they want, on their own terms.

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Tags CIO, Digital Transformation, CIO Leadership, Cloud, cloud computing, Data Centre, Internal Enterprise Service Provider, IT leadership, mobile devices, Mobile workforce, service defined enterprise, CIO role, Logicalis, mobile device, SDE, User-centric IT, workplace

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