• Architects of Change Perspective

CIOs Speak Up: Service Defined Enterprise is the Future of IT

The world of the Chief Information Officer is in flux. Some would argue it has ever been thus! Organisations are being urged to embrace the digitisation of the enterprise by way of social media,...

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Tags CIO Leadership, CIO summit, CIOs, service defined enterprise, service led transformation, Line of Business Managers, SDE, Shadow IT

What does the IT future look like? A Guide for CIOs

CIOs should not under-estimate the impact of the forthcoming world of the software defined network (SDN) and software-defined data centre (SDDC), which may be less than two years away.

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Tags CIO, Digital Transformation, Cloud, Data Centre, SDDC, SDN, service defined enterprise, service led transformation, Software Defined Network, IT transformation, Logicalis

A Transformation Journey – From IT Department to Service Provider

The world is at the start of a fundamental transformation relating to the role and perception of information technology – changing from a focus on technology to the services it can enable instead.

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Tags CIO, Innovation, data, Data Centre, SDN, service centric, service led transformation, IT transformation

Can CIOs Lead the Software Defined Network (SDN) transformation?

Just when CIOs were coming to terms with having their roles transformed and even challenged as potentially redundant, another technology leap forward is happening that provides both a risk and an...

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Tags CIO, CIO Leadership, SDN, service led transformation, Software Defined Network, IT transformation, SDE, SDN skills gap

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