• Architects of Change Perspective

5 cyber security questions CIOs should expect from the board

The latest wave of high profile data breaches has put IT security on many business leaders’ agendas. What was once a ‘backroom’ conversation around firewalls or data loss prevention tools, is now...

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Tags CIO, CIO Leadership, CEO, cyber security, IT security

State of information security in Australia: where are organisations going wrong?

A data breach can be the biggest kind of crisis a CIO will have to face, and according to new research from PwC, it’s one that more and more IT leaders will be facing this year, particularly here in...

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Tags CIO, CIO Leadership, Security, cyber security, data security, IT security, PWC, data breach, IDC

It’s only a matter of time: Tips for CIOs on planning for a security breach

Today’s threat landscape is nothing like it was 10 years ago – simple attacks that caused containable damage have given way to modern cybercrime operations that are sophisticated, well funded, and...

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Tags CIO, CIO Leadership, Security, data, data security, IT leadership, IT security

A look at Uber and Netflix: disruptive innovation explained

So much attention has been paid to the term “disruptive innovation” in recent years that its true meaning appears to have been lost. The term is frequently used to describe any situation whereby an...

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Tags Innovation, disruption, disruptive innovation, technology, business executives

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