• Architects of Change Perspective

Top Tips for Secure Hybrid Cloud Networking

If, as many enterprises do, you choose a hybrid cloud strategy for your organisation, there are some key issues of which you should be aware, to ensure your public cloud services are secure, simple...

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Tags hybrid cloud, Digital Transformation, Cloud, Security, cloud security, networking

Cloud Computing: Forget the hype, focus on the value

The term ‘cloud computing’ has been over used in the technology industry for so many years that people are tired of it. The online world is overflowing with content on cloud computing – how it works,...

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Tags CIO, Digital Transformation, cloud computing, cloud hype, cloud strategic focus, cloud value, cost efficiencies, cloud security, strategic IT

Going Cloud? How to deal with the data sovereignty dilemma

Our recent research on Cloud adoption amongst CIOs found that while they see the value in cloud hosting, decision makers are pausing for thought before making the move.

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Tags Digital Transformation, Cloud, cloud contracts, data sovereignty, cloud security


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