Architects of Change: Perspectives

File-sharing: the Evolution, the Risks and the Solution

Written by TDLogicalisblog | 09-Apr-2014 09:44:50

Few things illustrate better how technology is changing our world than the way documents are managed. Gone are the days when our desks were covered in documents with yellow Post-Its stuck to them; technology has allowed us to quench our seemingly unending thirst for more information in digital form. What has evolved has been the medium of moving that data – from computer print outs, to floppy disks and then USB sticks to Web based file-sharing such as Dropbox.

Technology has become the foundation of file sharing. Employees send documents over email, share links to presentations on the Web and attach spreadsheets to internal collaboration tools. It’s hard to imagine how we could manage without file-sharing technology.

The Evolution

How did this come about? How did file-sharing technology become something we couldn’t live without?

A recent Citrix report “Secure Data Sharing in the Enterprise” looks at how individuals and organisations have evolved over recent years.

At an individual level, mobility is the new norm. Employees are increasingly expecting to access their personal and professional information from anywhere. A range of files are sent and accessed anywhere and anytime. The consumerisation of mobile devices, widespread Internet connection and mobile-optimised applications have further raised user expectations around the mobilisation of data. Employees typically access two or three devices on a daily basis with data synced across these devices, further reinforcing their dependence on file-sharing capabilities.

At an organisational level, the workforce is no longer limited to employees sitting at their desks in the office. With a global workforce, ease of data-sharing is a key requirement for efficient and effective collaboration. In addition, the changing nature of customer relationships has led organisations to move away from paper-based contracts and documents to electronic files that are easily sent, tracked, secured and edited.

In comes the consumer file-sharing service such as DropBox. Logicalis’ Solution Architect, Brian DaBinett sees three key drivers that led organisations to adopt consumer file-sharing tools:

1)    The need for mobile access and sharing of files;

2)    The capacity to share larger files; and,

3)    The ability to access files offline.

The cost-effectiveness of consumer file-sharing tools further encouraged its uptake. But, Brian also believes that consumer file-sharing services come with a serious security risk around leakage of critical corporate data that can potentially put that information in the hands of unauthorised parties.

The Risks

These consumer file-sharing applications are typically unsecure, with data stored in third-party locations out of the control and visibility of IT. In their report, Citrix identifies the key risks of using unsecure file-sharing applications:

  • IT has no control over how these file-sharing services are used: which types of data can be shared, how they can be accessed, or with whom they can be shared with either internally or externally.
  • Data access and sharing activity can’t be centrally tracked or audited, making it impossible to comply with IT standards and government regulations—especially in highly regulated industries like finance and healthcare.
  • Data shared with third parties can be easily be re-shared and accessed well beyond the intended recipient.

The Consequences

Many organisations are facing this problem. A study by Enterprise Strategy Group in 2012 reported that 70% of organisations know or suspect that their employees are using personal online file sharing accounts without formal IT approval. DropBox, one of the most commonly used file-sharing tools, has reportedly been the channel for security breaches for many organisations.

As Solution Architect, Brian DaBinett has seen first hand how organisations have had to face situations of data loss or compromised data resulting from unsecure file-sharing solutions, which has led to them losing not only thousands (and in some cases, millions) of dollars; but also their credibility as a result of the loss of sensitive information.

The Next Step

Preventing staff from using multiple and personal devices to access corporate data is almost impossible! And banning access to the currently used file-sharing tool will not solve the problem. If your employees need to access and share data on the go, one way or the other, they will do it. The best way to manage the risks of unsecure file-sharing is to engage a secure, enterprise file-sharing solution.

Citrix believes that the ideal enterprise file-sharing tool will:

  • Empower users with instant access to data, synced across all devices, and help them improve collaboration and productivity through secure file sharing that seamlessly integrates with their workflow;
  • Enable IT to retain full control over data access and sharing as well as deliver a managed service that meets corporate data security and compliance standards.

Ultimately, the tool must enable employees to easily access their data on the go and maintain or increase their productivity levels, whilst allowing organisations to preserve the integrity of their data, comply with national privacy legislation and protect critical data from unauthorised access.

If you would like to delve deeper into the issue of data security, please register for our upcoming Webinar: Securing your corporate data – the easy way. Logicalis’ Solution Architect Brian DaBinett will outline the key data security risks currently faced by organisations and the steps you can take to mitigate those risks.